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    Most recent

    Webinar: The role of the optometrist in your eye care journey

    This webinar covers the role of your optometrist in your eye care journey.

    What are the different types of diabetic eye disease?

    This video explains the difference between proliferative and non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, as well as diabetic macular oedema.

    Can diabetes affect my eyes?

    Diabetes can affect many parts of the body – including your eyes.

    Can diabetic eye disease be treated?

    While there is no cure for diabetic eye disease, there are several effective treatments.

    Man looking at letters on an eye chart

    How is AMD diagnosed?

    This video explains the tools an optometrist may use to diagnose age-related macular degeneration.

    A research update on nutrition and AMD: webinar

    A webinar hosted by MDFA Grant Recipient, Diana Tang, on eating for eye health and research into nutrition and age-related macular degeneration.

    Vision Voice newsletter cover

    Vision Voice: summer 2021

    The summer 2021 edition of MDFA’s Vision Voice newsletter is out now!

    Three seniors talking to each other

    Impact Report 2018-2021

    Reflecting on the impact MDFA has made over the last three years.

    Vision Voice audio: summer 2021

    Listen to MDFA’s summer 2021 Vision Voice online, or order the CD.

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