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    cover of retinitis pigmentosa fact sheet

    Retinitis pigmentosa fact sheet

    This fact sheet is about retinitis pigmentosa (RP), the name given to a diverse group of inherited eye disorders that affect the retina at the back of the eye.

    Image of lady with a walking aid and a packet of spinach

    How can I reduce my risk of falling?

    Falls are a common problem for people living with vision loss. But many falls are preventable, and injuries can be minimised.

    Image of an older guy holding his glasses and looking at the camera

    How can I volunteer with MDFA?

    At MDFA, our volunteers are essential to the work that we do.

    Image of an Asian mother and daughter

    How does support from a carer help someone living with macular disease?

    If you provide care or support to a family member or friend with vision loss, there are so many ways you can help make a big difference.

    What help is available to me if I’m caring for someone with vision loss?

    A carer is typically a family member or friend who provides unpaid care or support for someone living with a chronic condition, disability or mental illness.

    Cover of diabetic macular oedema fact sheet

    Diabetic macular oedema fact sheet

    Diabetic macular oedema (DMO) is a complication of diabetic retinopathy. This free fact sheet discusses how DMO is diagnosed, managed and treated.

    Macula Menu E-Cookbook

    In this Macula Menu, you’ll find some of our favourite recipes that are both delicious and packed with eye-healthy ingredients.

    Vision Voice audio: Autumn 2022

    This is the audio version of our Vision Voice autumn 2022 newsletter, which is out now!

    Vision Voice newsletter cover

    Vision Voice: autumn 2022

    The autumn 2022 edition of MDFA’s Vision Voice newsletter is out now!

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