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    Image of older guy holding a pair of glasses and looking thoughtfully at the camera

    The role of the optometrist in age-related macular degeneration: webinar

    A webinar on the role of the optometrist in age-related macular degeneration.

    Amsler grid

    If you’re over 50, at risk or living with age-related macular degeneration, you should monitor your vision regularly with an Amsler grid.

    Image of senior man in sunglasses

    Charles Bonnet syndrome CD

    Charles Bonnet syndrome is a term used to describe the situation where mentally healthy people with significant vision loss have vivid, recurrent visions.

    Lady with a coffee cup and mobile

    Understanding the New Carer Gateway: webinar

    This webinar discusses what it means to be a carer, the support available to carers and the carer planning process.

    Image of a senior man reading a book with a magnifier

    Maximising vision with low vision aids: webinar

    A webinar on assistive technology and how to access them.

    Macula Menu: Winter warmers

    Some of our favourite winter recipes that are both delicious and packed with eye-healthy ingredients.

    Image of a senior man eating a bowl of salad

    Eating for your eye health: webinar

    A webinar on how you can eat for eye health and reduce your risk of AMD through diet.

    Image of a man smliing at the camera

    Macular hole fact sheet

    This fact sheet discusses the symptoms of macular hole, treatment options, recovery from treatment, and possible complications from macular hole surgery.

    Image showing a mom and her daugher looking each other in the eyes

    Ask an eye specialist: webinar

    A webinar with Associate Professor Salmaan Qureshi, an ophthalmologist, answering questions about macular disease.

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