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    Image of two people dancing hand in hand

    Maintaining mental wellbeing with vision loss: webinar

    A webinar, part of the MDFA community education series, looking at mental and emotional wellbeing with vision loss.

    Nutrition for age-related macular degeneration

    Nutrition plays an important role in optimising macular health and reducing the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

    Reducing the risk of diabetic eye disease

    Everyone with diabetes is at risk of diabetic eye disease. This free fact sheet explains the risk factors and tips for reducing your risk.

    Living with diabetic eye disease

    This fact sheet discusses the signs and symptoms of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular oedema and how to manage risk factors.

    Full cover of retinal vein occlusion fact sheet

    Retinal vein occlusion

    This fact sheet covers the condition called retinal vein occlusion. Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) occurs

    Cover of Charles Bonnet syndrome fact sheet

    Charles Bonnet syndrome fact sheet

    A fact sheet on Charles Bonnet syndrome, a condition where people experience visions, due to lost sight.

    Image of a man in a chair reading a newspaper

    Staying safe at home with vision loss: webinar

    A webinar, part of the MDFA community education series, discussing the ways to stay safe at home for anyone with vision loss.

    Cover of Vision Voice, Autumn 2020

    Vision Voice Autumn 2020

    Vision Voice autumn 2020 includes an update on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) review.

    Image of a lady with sunglasses and her dog on her lap.

    Seeing faces and vision loss: webinar

    A webinar on how you see faces may change with age-related macular degeneration.

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