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    MDFA News

    New Nutrition Guidelines for AMD

    Latest research supports Mediterranean and Asian-style eating plans to reduce risk of AMD

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    Rebate cut rejected

    The Government and Opposition reject a cut to the Medicare rebate for sight-saving eye injections, which threatened to blind 47,000 Australians.

    It’s good news for people on a pension

    The rejection of the proposed Medicare rebate cut is good news, “especially for people on a pension”, says Joe from Queensland.

    Proposed Medicare rebate cut rejected

    A win for the macular disease community as major political parties reject a Medicare rebate cut for sight-saving eye injections.

    Image shows Mike, subject of the story, against a blue background.

    I’m so relieved

    Mike says the rejection of a proposed cut in the Medicare rebate for eye injections means he can get on with life and not have to worry about the cost of maintaining his sight.


    Improving treatment adherence for wet AMD patients

    Specsavers and MDFA have announced a strategic scoping partnership with a vision to increase and enhance support for patients diagnosed with wet AMD.

    Image of older guy holding a pair of glasses and looking thoughtfully at the camera

    Geographic atrophy and quality of life

    Study reports impact of GA on independence and quality of life worse than expected

    Providing education to healthcare professionals

    How MDFA is working with GPs, pharmacists and Aboriginal health workers

    Image of an Indian man in blue shirt

    Macular disease research highlights

    The latest research relevant to optometrists and other health professionals

    15 years of treatment saved Valerie’s sight

    When Valerie Edwards noticed a bend in her sewing needle, she immediately went to her ophthalmologist and diagnosed her with wet AMD.
