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    MDFA News

    New Nutrition Guidelines for AMD

    Latest research supports Mediterranean and Asian-style eating plans to reduce risk of AMD

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    Evaluation of MDFA’s education courses for health professionals

    Evaluation of MDFA’s education courses for health professionals

    Partnership to address Diabetic Eye Disease in Indigenous communities

    A successful project to train practitioners to screen for diabetic eye disease in Indigenous communities across Australia has been extended.

    New stem cell models for dry AMD

    A years-long collaboration between some of Australia’s leading experts in stem cell biology, ophthalmology, and computational biology has produced a genetic roadmap for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) that could be a gamechanger for the discovery of novel treatments.

    Vabysmo® (faricimab) now available in Australia 

    Vabysmo is a new treatment for age-related macular degeneration and diabetic macular oedema and is now available on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) in Australia

    Welcome Dr. Kathy Chapman

    MDFA welcomed Dr Kathy Chapman as CEO in July

    Digital Diagnosis and Artificial Intelligence: Seeking Your Views  

    Attend any medical congress and you’ll increasingly hear the terms “artificial intelligence” and “digital diagnosis”

    Ophthalmologists needed for IVI digital support program

    Ophthalmologists needed for IVI digital support program

    Targeted patient content through MyInteract

    MDFA is partnering with MyInteract to provide targeted digital information and resources directly to people receiving intravitreal injections (IVI).
