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    MDFA News

    New Nutrition Guidelines for AMD

    Latest research supports Mediterranean and Asian-style eating plans to reduce risk of AMD

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    Introducing My Eyes

    Since 2001, MDFA has supported thousands of people each year with information about macular disease.

    New research & education course highlights importance of improving IRD awareness among Optometrists

    Inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) have a significant impact on the Australian population, with approximately 1

    National Strategic Action Plan for Macular Disease

    Macular Disease Foundation Australia (MDFA) has recently provided the Department of Health and Ageing with

    Vision Voice Spring edition Read our latest newsletter

    MDFA’s latest newsletter is out now.

    2023 Research Grant Program recipients announced

    MDFA is Australia’s largest source of research funding in the field of macular disease outside of government.

    2023 Research Grant recipient

    Spatial transcriptomics in diabetic macular ischaemia

    2023 Research Grants Program

    MDFA is Australia’s largest source of research funding in the field of macular disease outside of government

    Excellence in Research Award in honour of Richard Grills (AM)

    Composition and functionality of high-density lipoprotein in age-related macular degeneration and a high-risk disease phenotype

    2023 Research Grant Family Fund recipient

    Redefining macular disease diagnosis to improve access to emerging therapies
