The inaugural Roth Gair Charity Golf Day was held on Sunday 3 February 2008 to raise money for macular degeneration.
The Navigator Library Access Project is designed to help those who have difficulty reading due to macular degeneration.
New research reveals Aussies are at risk of going blind but don’t know it.
Macular Degeneration Foundation welcomed the decision to list the sight-saving treatment, Lucentis; on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).
Macular Degeneration Foundation welcomes new warnings about smoking and blindness to be printed on tobacco products.
Macular Degeneration Foundation calls on the Federal Government to speed the accessibility and affordability of Lucentis.
Macular degeneration (MD) is the leading cause of blindness in Australia and is silently taking away the sight of Australia’s ageing population.
A study has revealed that AMD costs Australians $2.6 billion a year.
War Veterans will now be subject to the same measurement of visual acuity as other Australians in order to access Centrelink benefits.