The Macular Degeneration Foundation is advocating for national subsidy scheme for low vision aids and technology for people with low vision.
Annastacia Palaszczuk was diagnosed with the wet form of macular degeneration when she was just 34 years of age.
The Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk, Queensland Minister for Disability and Multicultural Affairs launched MD Awareness Week with her personal story of MD.
Survey shows risk of over 50s dismissing macular degeneration symptoms.
Patients with wet macular degeneration (MD) who are receiving Avastin injections will again be entitled to a Medicare Rebate.
Foundation’s campaigns leading to increase in macular degeneration awareness in Australia.
An advocacy campaign relating to the Extended Medicare Safety Net has been resolved positively for thousands of elderly Australians with wet AMD.
Many macular degeneration clients are affected by the decision not to fund OCT.
New changes to Medicare mean a $200 rebate is no longer available for the administration of Avastin as a treatment for MD.