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    MDFA News

    New Nutrition Guidelines for AMD

    Latest research supports Mediterranean and Asian-style eating plans to reduce risk of AMD

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    Lady sitting on a chair with knitting needles and a red ball of wool

    Celebration of 15 years

    The celebration of 15 years of serving the macular disease community was a reoccurring theme MDFA’s 2016 AGM.  

    Image shows a team of horses being mustered. Some of them have walked into a river, the rest are on a grassy bank.

    mEYE World 2016

    Grand finalist and category winners of the mEYE World Photographic Competition 2016 announced to mark World Diabetes Day.

    Image of an older guy holding his glasses and looking at the camera

    OCT scans

    MDFA welcomes the Medicare rebate for an ocular coherence tomography (OCT) scan for the initial diagnosis of macular conditions, but more is needed.

    Ozurdex PBS listing

    MDFA welcomes news that Ozurdex will be listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) from November 2016.

    Man looking at letters on an eye chart

    National Eye Health Survey

    A National Eye Health Survey has identified that the prevalence of blindness and vision impairment in Australia has declined.

    Jean Kittson

    Jean Kittson on prioritising her eye health

    Jean Kittson lives with an increased risk of age-related macular degeneration. She’s also the carer for her elderly parents, who both have vision loss.

    Erin Philpot

    Erin Philpot was 17 when she was told she’d lose her sight

    Erin has Stargardt’s disease, a rare genetic eye disease that generally first appears between the ages of 10 to 20.

    Alicia Thompson

    “I may not do things the way sighted people do, but I don’t let that stop me.”

    Alicia has Stargardt’s disease, a hereditary eye condition that affects the macula. She shares her story and her positive attitude to life.

    Human Services reform

    MDFA has provided a submission on behalf of our community to the Productivity Commission’s inquiry on human services reform.
