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    MDFA News

    New Nutrition Guidelines for AMD

    Latest research supports Mediterranean and Asian-style eating plans to reduce risk of AMD

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    Image showing a man reading a newspaper with a magnifier

    MDFA backs Royal Commission on low vision aids

    MDFA welcomes an Aged Care Royal Commission recommendation to make low vision aids and technologies more accessible.

    Man using visual aid to read a book

    Disability care reforms

    MDFA has advocated for affordable access to low vision aids and technologies for over a decade.

    Hidden in plain sight

    A case study on hydroxychloroquine retinal toxicity from the Centre for Eye Health.

    Clinical audit educative tool

    MaD-CCAT is a clinical audit tool for optometrists, funded by an MDFA Research Grant to Dr Laura Downie. Her research has now been published.

    Lady with red dumb bells

    Exercises to stop you falling

    People with low vision are more likely to suffer a fall. Falls prevention expert Trish Lynch shares her top tips to reduce your risk of falling.

    Image of a lady with sunglasses and her dog on her lap.

    Debunking the myths about Charles Bonnet syndrome

    Charles Bonnet syndrome describes the situation where mentally healthy people who’ve lost their vision experience vivid phantom images. This webinar aims to help remove the stigma around the condition.

    Macular research clinical trials

    The Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA) teamed up with MDFA’s webinar series for the latest research updates on AMD, including how you can take part in vision research.

    Image showing a plate of salmon with some vegetables

    Which foods reduce the risk of AMD?

    Epidemiologist Professor Bamini Gopinath explains how to eat for your eyes to prevent or delay progression of AMD.

    Cliff violin

    A Christmas filled with music

    As 102-year-old Cliff lost his vision through age-related macular degeneration (AMD), he also lost his ability to read music. 
