Ita’s plea: Don’t let coronavirus fears steal your vision
Australian icon Ita Buttrose has issued a passionate plea to senior Australians. She wants to stop thousands of people going unnecessarily blind during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ita issued the message as a community service announcement, directed at Australia’s older and more vulnerable citizens.
Many people who need urgent, sight-saving eye injections for wet AMD and diabetic macular oedema are not keeping their appointments with their ophthalmologists. And that’s because of fear and confusion around public health protocols.
Missing an eye injection can seriously and permanently compromise your vision. You must not miss your sight-saving treatment.
Ita Buttrose
Watch the full announcement below.
Macular Disease Foundation Australia encourages you to share this important announcement on social media, or via email, with your friends and family.
This Community Service Announcement is a part of Macula Month, proudly supported by Blackmores, Bayer and Optometry Australia.

Posted: Thursday, 7 May 2020