Clinical Genetics NSW provides a state-wide public genetic services.
- You will need to have seen an ophthalmologist for initial diagnosis and will require a referral from either an ophthalmologist or GP
- Telehealth and face to face appointments are available
- All Genetic Service clinics listed in NSW provide genetic eye disease services
Save Sight Institute is located within the Sydney Eye Hospital and facilitates research, education and patient care to prevent vision loss from eye diseases and conditions.
- Referral is required from your optometrist, GP or ophthalmologist.
- Referrals from your GP remain valid for 12 months, all other referral types are valid for three months.
Website: www.sydney.edu.au/save-sight-institute/about-us.html
More information
Genomic Testing Factsheet NSW Health
Sydney Metro
Save Sight Institute
Sydney Eye Hospital
T: (02) 9382 7300
Email: ssi.clinic@sydney.edu.au
Web: www.sydney.edu.au/save-sight-institute/patient-services.htmlRoyal Prince Alfred Hospital
Department of Medical Genomics/Clinical Genetics
T: (02) 9515 5080
F: (02) 9515 5490
Email: SLHD-RPAGeneClinic@health.nsw.gov.au
Web: www.slhd.nsw.gov.au/rpa/genetics/St George Hospital
Clinical Genetics Service
Kogarah, NSW 2217
T: (02) 9113 3635
F: (02) 9113 3694
Email: SESLHD-StGeorgeGenetics@health.nsw.gov.auSt Vincent’s Hospital
St Vincent’s Clinical Genomics
T: (02) 8382 4899 Fax: (02) 8382 4895
Email: svhs.genomics@svha.org.au
Web: www.svhs.org.au/our-services/list-of-services/clinical-genomicsLiverpool Hospital
Department of Clinical Genetics
T: (02) 8738 4665
F: (02) 8738 4650
Email: SWSLHD-ClinicalGenetics@health.nsw.gov.au
Web: www.swslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/liverpool/Genetics/default.htmlNepean Hospital
Deptartment of Clinical Genetics
T: (02) 4734 3362
F: (02) 4734 4472
Email: NBMLHD-Genetics@health.nsw.gov.auThe Sydney Children’s Hospital
Centre for Clinical Genetics
T: (02) 9382 5608 / (02) 9382 5609
F: (02) 9382 5683
Email: schn-sch-clinicalgenetics@health.nsw.gov.au
Web: www.schn.health.nsw.gov.au/find-a-service/health-medical-services/genetic-disordersRoyal North Shore Hospital
Dept of Clinical Genetics
St Leonards
T: (02) 9463 1727
F: (02) 9463 1057
Email: nslhd-clinicalgenetics@health.nsw.gov.au
Web: www.nslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/genetics/Pages/default.aspxThe Children’s Hospital at Westmead
Department of Clinical Genetics
T: (02) 9845 3273
F: (02) 9845 3204
Email: SCHN-CHW-ClinicalGenetics@health.nsw.gov.au
Web: www.schn.health.nsw.gov.au/find-a-service/health-medical-services/genetic-disordersWestmead Hospital
Department of Genetic Medicine (C3b)
T: (02) 8890 9780
F: (02) 8890 9789
Email: WSLHD-Geneticmedicine-Westmead@health.nsw.gov.au y metroSave Sight Institute
Sydney Eye Hospital
T: (02) 9382 7300
Email: ssi.clinic@sydney.edu.au
Web: www.sydney.edu.au/save-sight-institute/patient-services.htmlRoyal Prince Alfred Hospital
Department of Medical Genomics/Clinical Genetics
T: (02) 9515 5080
F: (02) 9515 5490
Email: SLHD-RPAGeneClinic@health.nsw.gov.au
Web: www.slhd.nsw.gov.au/rpa/genetics/St George Hospital
Clinical Genetics Service
Kogarah, NSW 2217
T: (02) 9113 3635
F: (02) 9113 3694
Email: SESLHD-StGeorgeGenetics@health.nsw.gov.auSt Vincent’s Hospital
St Vincent’s Clinical Genomics
T: (02) 8382 4899 Fax: (02) 8382 4895
Email: svhs.genomics@svha.org.au
Web: www.svhs.org.au/our-services/list-of-services/clinical-genomicsLiverpool Hospital
Department of Clinical Genetics
T: (02) 8738 4665
F: (02) 8738 4650
Email: SWSLHD-ClinicalGenetics@health.nsw.gov.au
Web: www.swslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/liverpool/Genetics/default.htmlNepean Hospital
Deptartment of Clinical Genetics
T: (02) 4734 3362
F: (02) 4734 4472
Email: NBMLHD-Genetics@health.nsw.gov.auThe Sydney Children’s Hospital
Centre for Clinical Genetics
T: (02) 9382 5608 / (02) 9382 5609
F: (02) 9382 5683
Email: schn-sch-clinicalgenetics@health.nsw.gov.au
Web: www.schn.health.nsw.gov.au/find-a-service/health-medical-services/genetic-disordersRoyal North Shore Hospital
Dept of Clinical Genetics
St Leonards
T: (02) 9463 1727
F: (02) 9463 1057
Email: nslhd-clinicalgenetics@health.nsw.gov.au
Web: www.nslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/genetics/Pages/default.aspxThe Children’s Hospital at Westmead
Department of Clinical Genetics
T: (02) 9845 3273
F: (02) 9845 3204
Email: SCHN-CHW-ClinicalGenetics@health.nsw.gov.au
Web: www.schn.health.nsw.gov.au/find-a-service/health-medical-services/genetic-disordersWestmead Hospital
Department of Genetic Medicine (C3b)
T: (02) 8890 9780
F: (02) 8890 9789
Email: WSLHD-Geneticmedicine-Westmead@health.nsw.gov.au -
Regional NSW
Please see Clinical Genetics Services in VictoriaBathurst
Bathurst Community Health Centre
Western NSW Genetics Service
T: (02) 6330 5677
F: (02) 6331 0474
Email: WNSWLHD-Genetics@health.nsw.gov.auCoffs Harbour
Coffs Harbour Health Campus
Coffs Harbour Hospital
T: (02) 6656 7200
F: (02) 6656 7203
Email: MNCLHD-COFF-GeneralGenetics@health.nsw.gov.auDubbo
Dubbo Community Health Centre
Western NSW Genetics Service
T: (02) 5853 2500
F: (02) 5853 2580
Email: WNSWLHD-Genetics@health.nsw.gov.auForster
Forster Community Health Centre
T: (02) 6539 6300
F: (02) 6554 8874Gosford
Royal North Shore Hospital
Dept of Clinical Genetics
T: (02) 9463 1727
F: (02) 9463 1057
Email: nslhd-clinicalgenetics@health.nsw.gov.au
Web: www.service.nsw.gov.au/nswgovdirectory/royal-north-shore-hospitalGoulburn
Goulburn Base Hospital
Child, Infant and Family Tertiary Service
T: (02) 4825 4050
F: (02) 4825 4058
Email: SNSWLHD-cifts@health.nsw.gov.auKempsey
C/- Port Macquarie Community Health Centre
Port Macquarie
T: (02) 6589 2328
F: (02) 6589 2160odonga
Please see Clinical Genetics Services in VictoriaKingscliff
Kingscliff Community Health
T: (02) 6674 9500
F: (02) 6674 9599
Email: lorraine.hodgson@health.nsw.gov.auNewcastle
Hunter Genetics
T: (02) 4985 3100
F: (02) 4985 3105
Email: HNELHD-Genetics@health.nsw.gov.au
Kite Street Community Health Centre
T: (02) 6330 5677 (Appointments via Bathurst office)
F: (02) 6331 0474
Email: WNSWLHD-Genetics@health.nsw.gov.auPort Macquarie
Port Macquarie Community Health Centre
T: (02) 6589 2328
F: (02) 6589 2160Tamworth
Tamworth Community Health Centre
Hunter New England Area Health Service
T: 02 6767 8151
F: 02 6766 3967Taree
Taree Community Health Centre
T: (02) 6592 9315
F: (02) 6592 9607Wagga Wagga
Wagga Wagga Health Service Hub
Wagga Wagga Base Hospital
Murrumbidgee LHD Genetic Service
T: (02) 5943 4043
F: (02) 6933 9262
Email: MLHD-ClinicalGenetics@health.nsw.gov.auWollongong
Wollongong Hospital
Northern Illawarra Maternity and Women’s Health,
T: (02) 4253 4267
F: (02) 4253 4257
Email: ISLHD-GeneralGenetics@health.nsw.gov.au

- ACT Genetic Service offers consultations for diagnostic genetic testing and genetic counselling for people residing in the ACT. Genetic services are free with a Medicare Card or Asylum Seeker Card
- Phone: 02 5124 7630
- You will need to have seen an ophthalmologist for initial diagnosis and will require a referral from either an ophthalmologist or GP
- Genetic testing for unaffected family members is available through a referral from an ophthalmologist or GP.
- Consultations at all locations are for adults and children and are provided by a clinical geneticist and/or genetic counsellor
For more information, click here

- Victorian Clinical Genetic Services provides state-wide public genetic services.
- You will need to have seen an ophthalmologist for initial diagnosis and will require a referral from either an ophthalmologist or GP
- Adults are seen through Royal Eye and Ear Hospital Ophthalmology Clinic alongside the Royal Melbourne Hospital genetic clinic.
- Children are seen at the Royal Children’s Hospital. There is a monthly clinic with a current wait time of 1-2 months for an initial appointment.
- Telehealth and face to face appointments available.
- Phone: 1300118247
More information
Website: www.melbournegenomics.org.au
Website: www.vcgs.org.au
Victorian Clinical Genetics Services
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
T: 1300118247Royal Eye and Ear Hospital
East Melbourne
T: (03) 9929 8666
F: (03) 9663 7203
Email: info@eyeandear.org.auRoyal Melbourne Hospital Genetic Clinic Parkville
T: 1300118247 (contact via vgcs)
Royal Children’s Hospital
T: 1300118247 (contact via vgcs) -
Monthly Regional Clinics
*Outreach/regional clinics may not have eye genetic counsellors, so you may be triaged to metro clinics.

- Tasmanian Clinical Genetic Services (TCGS) provides state-wide genetic services.
- You will need to have seen an ophthalmologist for initial diagnosis and will require a referral from either an ophthalmologist or GP
- Telehealth and face to face appointments are available
- Phone: 03 6166 8296
More information
On receipt of the referral letter, a genetic counsellor will contact the patient to discuss the issue of concern, collect relevant family history information, arrange an appointment at a clinic in Hobart, Launceston or Latrobe, if needed.
After the appointment the patient and/or Doctor will receive a letter summarising the information provided, options for next steps, the outcome of any test results
Website: Tasmanian Clinical Genetic Services website
Royal Hobart Hospital
T: (03) 6166 8296
F: (03) 6173 0328
Email: tcgs@ths.tas.gov.auLaunceston General Hospital
T: (03) 67776777Mersey Community Hospital
North West Regional Hospital
T: (03) 64785500
South Australia

The Adult Genetics Unit (AGU) state-wide clinical genetic service focused on genetic diagnosis, testing, and counselling for adults and families with suspected rare inherited disorders.
- You will need to have seen an ophthalmologist for initial diagnosis and will require a referral from either an ophthalmologist or GP
- Virtual clinics to rural and remote Australia can be provided using Telemedicine
Children are seen at Children and Reproductive Genetics Unit and Metabolic Unit at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
- You will need to have seen an ophthalmologist for initial diagnosis and will require a referral from either an ophthalmologist or GP
- Virtual clinics to rural and remote Australia can be provided using Telemedicine.
More Information
Website: Ophthalmic Genetics – Adult and Paediatric CPC
Flinders Medical Centre (FMC)
Genetic Eye Disease Clinic
Bedford Park
Prof Christopher Barnett or Dr Deepa Taranath
T: (08) 82044273Royal Adelaide Hospital – Adult Genetics Unit
T: (08) 7074 2697
F: (08) 8429 6112
Email: adultgenetics@sa.gov.auWomen’s & Children’s Hospital – Paediatric and Reproductive Genetics Unit
North Adelaide
T: (08) 8161 7375
F: (08) 8161 6088
Email: sapathology.prgu@sa.gov.au

- Genetic Health Queensland is (GHQ) is a state-wide genetics service in the public health system, based in Brisbane with regional outreach clinics.
- You will need to have seen an ophthalmologist for initial diagnosis and will require a referral from either an ophthalmologist or GP
- Telehealth and face to face appointments available
- Genetic counsellors are based out of the locations below.
More information
Queensland Genomic and Genetic Tool Kit.pdf
Indigenous genomics health literacy
Website: Queensland genetic health information for patients
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
T: (07) 3646 1686Bundaberg Hospital
T: (07) 4150 2794Gold Coast University Hospital
T: (07) 5687 1515Queensland Children’s Hospital
South Brisbane
T: (07) 3068 4152Nambour General Hospital
T: (07) 5202 3425Townsville University Hospital
T: (07) 4796 1464Toowoomba Hospital
Toowoomba City
T: (07) 4616 6995Less Frequent outreach clinics:
Northern Territory

- VCGS runs a public genetic service in the Northern Territory.
- Genetic Clinics Run four times per year
- You will need to have seen an ophthalmologist for initial diagnosis and will require a referral from either an ophthalmologist or GP
- Telehealth and face to face appointments are available
For more information, click here
Royal Darwin Hospital
Email: ntgenetics@vcgs.org.auAlice Springs Hospital
The Gap
Email: ntgenetics@vcgs.org.au
Western Australia

There are two options in WA for access to genetic testing and counselling
1. Genetic Services WA (GSWA) is a state-wide public genetic service in Western Australia
- You will need to have seen an ophthalmologist for initial diagnosis and will require a referral from either an ophthalmologist or GP. The referral goes to head office in Perth and will be allocated to a genetic counsellor. You will be contacted by the counsellor and added to the waitlist for an appointment.
- Face-to-face and telehealth appointments are available
Website: ww2.health.wa.gov.au/Articles/F_I/Genetic-Services-of-WA
2. Lions Eye Institute provides a service, mainly for research purposes. If a clinical genetic diagnosis is required, patients may be referred to Genetic Services Western Australia to confirm or testing may be arranged through a private laboratory.
- Referral from ophthalmologist, optometrist or GP.
- Some consultation fees may apply.
Contact: Associate Professor Fred Chen
Website: www.lei.org.au/research/scientists/associate-professor-fred-chen/
King Edward Memorial Hospital
T: (08) 6458 1525Outreach Clinics are also held in the following locations:
• Albany
• Bunbury
• Geraldton
• Joondalup
• Kalgoorlie
• Port Headland
• Rockingham.Lions Eye Institute (public & private)
Retinal clinic
Assoc Prof Fred Chen
T: (08) 9381 0817
Web: https://www.lei.org.au/
The information contained in the Genetic Testing Directory is provided for information purposes only. MDFA does not promote or endorse specific services or medical practitioners. Every effort has been made to ensure entries are current, but information is subject to change without notice.