Sharing their experience
Our Ambassadors play an important role in communicating key eye health messages. We are grateful to our Ambassadors, who use their profile or networks, to promote the work of MDFA.

Jean Kittson
<p>Jean Kittson is a much-loved Australian performer, comedian and writer. She is the primary carer to her parents, who have both lost sight to macular disease. Jean’s personal insights and willingness to publicly share her story have helped raise public awareness about the impact of macular disease.</p>
In my family, I can see that AMD goes way back, generation after generation. Everyone thought it was just bad luck or a symptom of aging. But now we know. Now we have a name for it and now there are things you can do about it.
Jean Kittson

Dr James Muecke AM
<p>Adelaide ophthalmologist Dr James Muecke AM is the co-founder of Sight For All, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to fighting blindness among vulnerable communities both here in Australia and around the world. Dr Muecke was named Australian of the Year for 2020 in recognition of his tireless efforts and immediately used the platform to raise awareness of diabetes-related eye disease, the leading cause of blindness among working-age Australians. </p>
“For 30 years, I’ve been dealing with the consequences that diabetes inflicts on the eyes. In fact, every year I’m seeing more and more patients who are losing vision – even going blind – due to their diabetes. But nearly all of the loss of vision of blindness due to diabetes is preventable or treatable.”
James Muecke

Jan Utzon
<p>Jan Utzon is a Danish architect and son of Jørn Utzon, designer of the Sydney Opera House. Jan witnessed his father – and grandfather – lose their sight to age-related macular degeneration.</p>
I can only urge everyone to have their macula checked and very importantly, urge our society to make a greater effort to find a cure for this disease.
Jan Utzon